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Friday, April 13, 2007

iPhone Mania: Is it Worth the Wait?

Honestly, who wasn't "wowed" when uncle Steve presented Apple's latest "wannahave" the iPhone. After months of intense speculation and a successful bid at maintaining secrecy Apple did reveal the iPhone. Unfortunately Apple and gadget lovers alike will still have to wait a few months before they can get their hands on one.

Even the most grumpiest geek will admit that the iPhone clearly has some great features packed into (it seems) a very enjoyable user interface. However, if we look purely at features, then there is really not that much worth waiting for. Most Sony, LG, Motorola, Blackberry and Nokia phones come fairly close feature wise. Secondly, those phones are available now, and are in almost all cases cheaper then the iPhone. Thirdly there is also the battery life issue, some people have claimed that it is absolutely abysmal. The iPhone will become most definitly a city slickers whanahave and really not be very useful for people on long journeys. Will Apple also supply a mobile power generator for recharging their device? They could call it the iPower or iCharge for all it matters.

All this waiting for the iPhone is making a hungry public hungrier. Let's hope that the iPhone can live up to its expectations without too many stomach aches: at 500$ price tag it surely is hurting my pocket. But what about 25% of America's Teenagers who confessed to wanting an iPhone? How are they going to cough up the cash to buy an iPhone? Even if the iPhone is more hype than product, Apple sure can expect to make a lot of money. And maybe...just maybe they'll come up with something that will solve that prickly battery life issue.

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